Wellbeing at work in numbers

  • 58%

    of employees are experiencing anxiety.


  • Only 10%

    of employees are diagnosed with anxiety.


  • 34%

    of employees experiencing anxiety are aged 25-34.


  • 62%

    of employees experiencing anxiety are female.


  • Only 9%

    of employees are seeking mental health support.


  • Nearly 1 in 4 employees

    met the criteria for “clinically relevant symptoms” of depression and would benefit from support from a qualified mental health professional.


  • 40%

    of employee turnover costs are due to mental health issues.

    deloitte mental health report 2022

  • Presenteeism (attending work whilst ill)

    is the highest reason for staff turnover.

    deloitte mental health report 2022

  • 50%

    of employees experienced at least one symptom of burnout (feeling of exhaustion, mental distance from their job, or decline in performance at work).

    deloitte mental health report 2022

  • More than 36%

    of employees used mental health resources to help them manage their mental health.

    deloitte mental health report 2022

  • 61%

    of employees planned to leave their job due to poor mental health.

    deloitte mental health report 2022

  • 17 million

    working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2021/22.

    ons-labour force survey

  • 914,000

    914,000 was the total number of cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2021/22.

    ons-labour force survey

  • 55%

    of all working days lost due to work-related ill health and stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 51% of all work-related ill health cases in 2021/22.

    ons-labour force survey

  • 55%

    of London residents say they feel lonely, making London the loneliest city in the world.


  • 3.3 million

    People who say they “often” or “always” feel lonely has risen from 2.6 million people in 2020 to 3.3 million people as of February 2022.


  • 45%

    (25 million) of people in England feel lonely occasionally, sometimes, or often.


  • 79%

    say they frequently felt stress and the most common cause of stress is work-related.


  • 10 days each month

    Women experience stress more frequently than men. On average, women in the UK say they feel stressed approximately ten days each month, whereas men say they experience stress for an average of seven days a month.


  • One in 14 UK adults

    (7%) feel stressed every single day.


  • 1 in 5

    people in the UK feel stressed more days a month than they don’t.


  • 74%

    of people feel so stressed they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope.


  • 46%

    of people say they eat too much or too unhealthily due to stress.

    mental health foundation and yougov

  • 29%

    of people say that due to stress they started drinking or increased their drinking.


  • 16%

    say that they started smoking or increased their smoking due to stress.

    yougov and mental health foundation

  • 1 in 4

    people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.


  • 1 in 6

    people adults experience a mental health issue, such as anxiety and depression, in any given week in England.


  • 54%

    of UK workers agree that a high or increased workload or volume of tasks at work caused them stress and may have contributed to burnout in the last year .


  • 45%

    of UK workers agree that regularly working unpaid overtime caused them stress and may have contributed to burnout in the last year.


  • 65%

    of people cite workload as the biggest cause of workplace stress.


  • 37%

    of respondents to a recent CIPD survey identified management style as a key cause of workplace stress


  • 68%

    Burnt out employees have been 68% less productive than their healthy colleagues in the past 12 months.


  • 1 in 5

    UK workers needed to take time off work due to poor mental health caused by pressure or stress during the past year


  • £56bn

    Poor mental health cost UK employers £56bn between 2020 and 2021, compared to £45bn the year before.


  • 96%

    of CEOs report that they are doing enough for workforce wellbeing, but only 69% of employees agree.


  • 56%

    of employees think their company’s executives care about their wellbeing, while 91% of c-suite executives think their employees believe they care about it.


  • Only 25%

    of people professionals think managers in their organisations are confident and competent to spot the early signs of mental ill health.
